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Compliance Action, Volume 27, Number 10

February 28, 2023

RESPA Section 8 in the Digital Space (3 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

A recent Advisory Opinion issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau highlights how digital mortgage comparison-shopping platforms can violate Section 8 of RESPA.

CFPB Proposes Changes to Credit Card Fees (2 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

In response to feedback from consumers on an ANPR in June, the CFPB is proposing changes to Regulation Z relating to the high cost of credit card late fees.

Debit Card Interchange Fees (3 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

Final amendments to the Fed's Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing Regulation will require debit card issuers to route debit card transactions through at least two unaffiliated networks.

Compliance Calendar

Credit Card Fees and Regulation

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

The CFPB's increased scrutiny and regulation of credit card fees could ultimately lead to more regulation as credit card companies turn to other ways to make money.

Compliance Notes

Action Training
RESPA Kickbacks and Unearned Fees

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

RESPA's Section 8 prohibition against kickbacks and unearned fees is one of the most precarious legal provisions for bank compliance officers to navigate. To avoid the pitfalls of noncompliance, any Any referral arrangement in connection with mortgage loans and real estate settlement services should be reviewed by legal counsel.

Compliance Online
CFPB Credit Card Late Fees Report

Nancy Castiglione, CRCM
Editor Emeritus:
Lucy H. Griffin, Esq.
Board of Advisors:
John S. Byrne, Esq.
Cliff E. Cook
David Dickinson
Julie A. Gliha, MBA
Carl G. Pry
Susan Rich
Meg Sczyrba
Andy Zavoina

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